1991. 4 volumes in plastic sleeve with plastic clips and 2 printed colophon labels affixed: BASTELNOVELLE 1- THE ORIGINAL BY MAX PLUNDERBAUM, 2nd edition, BASTELNOVELLE 2- THE ORIGINAL (PART 2) BY FAX HUNDETRAUM, 1st edition, BASTELNOVELLE 3- DAS FATAL-ORIGINAL VON WIX STUDENSCHAUM...MIT VIELEN SONNETTEN UND GEDICHTEN..., 1st edition, EIN LEBENSLAUF VON 5C JAHREN, 2nd edition (reprinted for BAND 35, 300 copies). The ORIGINAL (part 1) by Max Plunderbaum (Junktree). 48 pages, letterpress. stapled. Cover: 4colour original offsetprint by the author. Printed by Staib + Mayer, Stuttgart. Published by edition hansjorg mayer, stuttgart. London, reykjavlk, 1974. 200 numbered and signed copies.Bastel - Nouvelle Nr. 2 Das Riginal = Das Original, 2. Teil oder kann der Vorga. als der Nachfo. auftrehn?Stuttgart: Edition Hansjorg Mayer, 1975. First edition 8vo. 40 pp plus folded glossy insert. edition of one 1000 copies. [Dobke, Dieter Roth Books + Multiples, Catalogue Raisonne, pp. 217]. Bastel-Novelle, No. 3. DAS FATAL-ORIGINAL (Fatal Original) by Jerk Foames. Poems by Ratz Hundefutter (Rats Dogfood). 48 pages, letterpress. Stapled. cover: 4colour original offsetprint. Initiated by the author. Printed by Staib + Mayer, Stuttgart. Published by edition hansjorg mayer, stuttgart. Iondon, 1978. 1000 copies. 22 x 15 cm(8 5/8 x 5 7/8 inches)

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